Users Management and Privileges Description
New users can be created in hoteldruid to give agencies or other authorized external operators direct access, or to
differentiate internal operators, as for example for the hotel reception. Viceversa they could also be created by an agency to give the
owners the possibility to check availability and block periods, hoteldruid is not aptimized for this purpose though.
By setting up the user privileges you can limit his actions and the information he can access to. The only functionalities to which
a normal user, that is any user different from administrator, can't access are the insertion of rates, of assignment rules and
of apartaments characteristics, besides some functionalities regarding the program management like backups and internet templates
So the administrator will decide if a user can insert reservations, in which rooms and periods, if and for how long
that user will be able to modify or cancel reservations, and which rates, extra costs, discounts or other reservation characteristics
he will be able to apply and modify. Besides he can also decide which tables to show and whether showing all table fields or only the
ones inserted by the user.
You can for example make a reservation not cancelable anymore by a user from an agency after the reservation is confirmed, or
after a certain number of days from its insertion. Another example can be a user that connects from the hotel bar and must credit on a
customer account his charges. In this case we will give that user as his only privilege the one to modify extra costs of reservations
and we will allow him to use only extra costs related to bar charges.
To limit the rooms that a user can use there are two ways. The first, that allows to limit also the periods besides the
rooms, consists in allowing the user to insert reservations only in periods of assignment rule 1 with selected motivations. The
second instead consists in allowing the user to use only rates bound to selected rooms by the assignment rule 2 and not allowing
him to neither insert nor modify the direct assignment of rooms.
To illustrate how the visualization of month table changes depending on privileges let's show how the same table is seen by two
different users. The first user, whose reservations are marked with "U1", has the ability to see all reservations and to insert them
in all four rooms:
01 --- 02 |
02 --- 03 |
03 --- 04 |
04 --- 05 |
05 --- 06 |
06 --- 07 |
07 --- 08 |
08 --- 09 |
09 --- 10 |
10 --- 11 |
11 --- 12 |
12 --- 13 |
1 | U2 | U1 | ||||||||||
2 | U2 |
U1 |
U1 |
U1 |
3 | U2 |
U1 |
U1 | U2 |
4 | U1 |
U1 |
U1 |
U1 |
The privileges of the second user, whose reservations are marked with "U2", instead allow him to see only his own
reservations and insert them only in rooms 1,2 and 3:
01 --- 02 |
02 --- 03 |
03 --- 04 |
04 --- 05 |
05 --- 06 |
06 --- 07 |
07 --- 08 |
08 --- 09 |
09 --- 10 |
10 --- 11 |
11 --- 12 |
12 --- 13 |
1 | U2 | |
2 | U2 |
3 | U2 |
U2 |
To easily identify in tables to which user the present clients and reservations belong to, we can put a choosen prefix in front of
all surnames of clients inserted by a user. Otherwise we can allow the user to use only a unique client and not allow him to insert new
The assignment rule 3 allows us to associate some rates to a user so that when the administrator inserts a reservation with one
of those rates, the reservation and eventual client will result as if they were inserted by that user. This way the user at his next
login will be able to see the reservations that the administrator has inserted for him.