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Document templates are used by Hoteldruid to generate all kinds of records that might be needed for daily operations (reports, invoices, contracts, guest communication, etc.). This page will use the following terminology: a template will be called a “document”, whereas the data generated when using the template will be called a “record”. Thanks to the use of variables, repetitions and conditions, documents are a powerful tool that can save a lot of time once properly set up.

Editing documents

It's important to understand the logic of how documents function, which can be a little offsetting at first. There is two sides to documents: the first side is the visual part of the document, i.e. which data to display where inside the generated record. This happens on the main document modification page. The second side is the creation of the content itself, where you can use variables and rules that set those variables, as the record is being generated. This happens on the “Custom variables and conditions” page.

Document modification page

As administrator, click on “Configure”, then “Documents”, to land on the Documents section. Here you can create and modify documents. Clicking on a document's number, you will open the Document modification page, where you can edit the document's content.

Document formats

Documents can be created in HTML, RTF, e-mail and text format. Here's an example of an invoice using HTML. Please note that the officially supported format is HTML (for support provided when subscribed to the hosted version). You'll find more examples of already usable documents after a fresh install of Hoteldruid, or by restoring them from the Documents backup page.

RTF/HTML documents

To easily create an RTF or HTML document, you can write the text in your preferred word processing software (like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice/OpenOffice Writer) and save it in RTF or HTML format, using all needed variables inside the document. Once edited, saved and closed, you can reopen the RTF or HTML file with a text editor (like Notepad on Windows, or Leafpad on Linux), then copy all the raw text (i.e. RTF/HTML code) and paste it inside a document from Hoteldruid.

Variables (all document formats)

Inside documents, you can use predefined variables that will take the corresponding value when the document is generated by Hoteldruid. Combined with repetitions, variables allow to iterate through lists of reservations, guests, rooms, costs, etc. If a variable is empty (i.e. is not set by Hoteldruid because data is missing), it will be replaced by spaces in order to be filled in by hand.

Inline document editing

For simple documents created for internal use (mainly text format documents), you may choose to edit your document directly on the Document modification page (instead of using an external editor/word processor); in that case, you can use the Variables drop-down menu to easily add some variable: first choose a variable, then place the cursor where you want the variable inside the document, then click on the Add button.

Available built-in variables

Some available variables that can be inserted are (the complete list is in the drop-down menu of the Document modification page):

Client's data:

[surname]		surname
[name]			name
[birthdate]		birthday
[Mr]			'' (if male) or 's' (if female)
[nation]		origin nation
[city]			residence city
[street]		street
[street2]		the same as $street but if it's not 
			defined it inserts the word street 
			before the spaces
[street_number]		street number
[postal_code]		postal code
[telephone]		telephone number
[telephone2]		second telephone
[telephone3]		third telephone
[fax]			fax number

Reservation's data:

[people_num]		number of people
[extra_beds_num]	number of extra beds from the costs
[people_num_tot]	number of people + extra beds
[price_tot]		complete price
[deposit]		deposit
[deposit_rest]		complete price - deposit
[starting_date]		starting date
[ending_date]		departure date
[rate_name]		rate name
[rate_price]		price without extra costs and discount
[discount]		discount
[comment]		comment
[apartment]		apartment number
[apartment_list]	list of apartments that can be assigned 
			separated by commas
[paid]			what has been paid until now
[all_extra_costs]	list with all the extra costs and their
			respective values
[sel_extra_cost_name]	name of the extra cost selected before 
			viewing the record
[sel_extra_cost_value]	value of the extra cost selected before
			viewing the record
[today]			today date
[price_tot_p],		as the previous ones without final _p  
[deposit_p],[paid_p],	but formatted with points or commas  
[deposit_rest_p],	between thousands and decimals
[repetition_error]	when not empty the current reservation 
			is not added to the record
[email_already_sent]	1 if an email with the same subject has 
			already been sent to client, otherwise 0
[error_message]		when not empty its contents are shown 
			instead of the document
Custom variables

You may create and use custom variables as you see fit. Please refer to the “Custom variables and conditions” section.


Repetitions allow to iterate through lists: by enclosing variables inside repetition tags, Hoteldruid will automatically replace the variable names with the corresponding data, and loop through all elements of the list. Example:


will display surnames for all reservations from the current view (e.g. “Arrivals”, or any other table of reservations). The document parts that are enclosed in [r][/r] tags will be repeated for each reservation. Inside these parts, other lists can be inserted with tags [r2][/r2] (for guests) or [r3][/r3] (for extra costs). You can use the Limits of drop-down menu (same usage as variable drop-down menu) on the Document modification page to easily add repetitions inside your documents.

Caveats when using repetitions

Use specific variables inside repetitions

  • r2 repetitions: when creating a list with guest data, you need to use the variables ending with the “_guest” suffix inside this repetition. These variables are only defined inside a guest repetition.
  • r6 repetitions: when creating a list with room data, you need to use the variables beginning with “unit_” inside this repetition. These variables are only defined inside a room repetition.

Special cases

  • r4 repetitions: when you have a repetition of reservations ([r][/r]) inside a repetition of dates ([r4 array=“dates_array”][/r4]), then only reservations that are present in current date will be repeated.
  • The tags for reservations repetition ([r][/r]) are forbidden in multilingual mode (i.e. the whole document is repeated for each reservation).

"Custom variables and conditions" page

On the lowest part of the Document modification page, you will find a button called “Custom variables and conditions”, which lead you to the “Document custom variables” page.

*nesting conditions: all rule conditions are repeated inside each repetition, unless you use exclusive rule conditions (in that case, only that set of rule conditions will be repeated)

Rules to consider when editing a document:

  • you can compare dates with format YYYY-MM-DD in “if” conditions, then the date format is changed when they are displayed or assigned to other variables
document.1584203350.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/14 16:29 by ddam