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How about automatic discount for clients?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:22 pm
by gromeo
Let's say I have a client, that have been in my hotel 3 times... and he comes again, and the hotel practice is to give such a client 5% discount...
Can I have the client on drop-down menu, and then, automatic discount comes out of the box?

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:51 am
by marco
For now when you insert a reservation you are given a list with all clients inserted before with similar surnames that you can choose from. If you see the client is already present you can check all his previous reservations (even in other years) from the page where you modify the client's data (not the one from main menu, the one from reservation modification page). Maybe in futura I will add this to extra costs assignation.
