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Changelog version 2.1.1 (12/11/2014)

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:10 pm
by bluealmondhostel
For the lazy, here's the changelog.

2.1.1 (12/11/2014)
-button to delete all credit cards from past reservations
-possibility to show daily and monthly totals between chashbox rows
-possibility to view and download text documents with another extension
-privilege to avoid that a user can delete or overwrite a document even if he can create/view it
-fixed bug: cached total price not updated in reservations when inserting costs from pos
-possibility to create a corresponding extra cost when inserting items in inventory
-possibility to add/subtract the new quantity to items in inventory
-autofocus when inserting new items and items in inventory
-global custmization to manage credit cards cvc numbers (with warning and disclaimer)
-show at most last 5 years in statistics
-updated italian documents to show a more detailed message for missing cities in "file alloggiatiweb"
-fixed bug: problems when changing language with php 5.6 (included files are now cached?)
-fixed bug: messages not marked as read when deleted from a user
-fixed bug: condition to truncate variables in documents not applied correctly with non ascii characters
-fixed bug: backup not restored when using some tags in documents
-updated mysqli functions to use less memory
-fixed bug: wrong date format in check-in table
-added greek alphabet to rtf documents
-fixed bug: wrong rounding when adding items in point of sale with javascript
-fixed bug: not showing prices with only per person values in webpage with rate table
-fixed bug: error when inserting a reservation with a rate with only per person prices
-fixed bug: wrong extra cost price for daily costs with percentage on one person