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Hide client information in "User Rights" (User management)

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:00 am
by rulez22
It would be great if you can make possible to hide table with clients, so staff at the hotel cannot steal database with client details (telephones, emails, addresses).
Right now if they click on CLIENTS - they can see all this information and can easily copy-paste it in to something like word doc.
So, if you can only leave clients 1st name and 2nd name and hide everything else (add this in user management feature for admin)

Re: Hide client information in "User Rights" (User managemen

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:50 pm
by rulez22
Is there a way to hide it in the code?
One of the user logins I have is for receptionist - this user has very limited rights (all they have is register checkin/checkout, see comment box for special requirements or arrival time, client name, everything else is hidden from the receptionist), but even though receptionist can still see all clients in the system and easily copy everything about client (telephone, email, address).
What happened recently is receptionist left the hotel (dismissed) and stole all clients information.. Not good.
I really don't want this to happen again.. If it would be possible to show just client name for receptionist and no other details - that would be great
Please help.

Re: Hide client information in "User Rights" (User managemen

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:17 pm
by marco
It is currently possible to hide emails, telephones and faxes in privileges. The possibility to customize fields in clients table is already planned.
