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Urgent - Rates not changing

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:48 pm
by gordon
I have been using php-Residence for about 4 years now, and have never had any problems. It is a great program.

But now I have a rates problem. The db table 'periodi2011' and the entered rates page of php-Residence both indicate that I have changed the rates for a 4 night period in April from $20 to $40 per night per room. Everything seems to be done correctly.

But when I make a test inquiry for any of these 4 nights or any future night beyond April 24, I always am given the rate
of $20.00 - the rate prior to April 20.

Am I missing something here, I have never had this problem before! I must get this corrected as soon as possible

My System :
Windows Server 2003 with IIS 7
MySQL version 5.0.89-community-nt and Client version 5.04
PHP version 5.2
php-Residence version 1.31

Have tested with IE8 & 9, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. It is not a browser related problem in any way

Installed at

Your help is greatly appreciated