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Mysql Error

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:52 pm
by mhlspn

I am getting the following error message:

ERROR IN: lock tables res_prenota2009 write,res_personalizza read
1044: Access denied for user 'xxxxxx'@'%' to database 'xxxxxx'

I have read the board and found out that it has to do with the lock table privilege. So I contacted my provider and have now the lock table privilege.


Lock tables | Databases | To use LOCK TABLES (together with SELECT privilege)

Still I cannot get rid of this ERROR IN: lock tables res_prenota2009 write....

It drives me nuts ;-)

Any hints, ideas or help is very much appreciated.


Re: Mysql Error

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:34 am
by Mac
i had the same error. After i while i found a way to simply remove the line from the code wich generates the error message. So the error still excisted, (but does not affect functionality). And when you use the program you won't notice anything!
This is the file you must open with a php-editor (or notepad) /php-residence/includes/funzioni_mysql.php then goto line number 173, where you'll find "if (!$risul) echo "<br>ERROR IN: lock tables $lista_tabelle<br>".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<br>";" now simply remove "echo "<br>ERROR IN: lock tables $lista_tabelle<br>".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<br>";" and that's it! it should work now. Note: when you make an template, you have to remove "echo "<br>ERROR IN: lock tables $lista_tabelle<br>".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<br>";" " from the template file too..

Hope this will help you!