Hosting @ digitaldruid and individual design

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Hosting @ digitaldruid and individual design

Post by AndilgE »

Dear all,

The hosting services is per se quite static for all the same on what concerns the files. It makes perfect sense to consolidate the functions when it comes to provide a stable service, improving a feature and make it accessible to all clients or distributing new releases.

On the other hand, many of you want individualization, at least your own logo, in you HotelDruid. Especially when you come from self hosting, you've maybe done design alterations by css already and feel like being downgraded when you have the digitaldruid hosting service. It was so foe me and maybe I'm not the only one out there. Calm, you can combine the 2 of them and so make the out most profit. Let me explain you how to:

Besides of the installation of HotelDruid, you receive a public hosting space on which can be accessed by ftp and points to the root directory
(both http and https, where hxxx is your client ID)

The installed HotelDruid automatically reads the stylesheet pers.css in this root directory of your pulic hosting at latest instance, thus overwriting all style rules that have been red before. With this precondition we could handle it all by our self. We load the design from the same server into your phps to avoid dependencies of different serves (both have to be online and accessible via internet).

We've stored all design relevant files on our public digitaldruid hosting. Nearby means it is never the less separated, programmer can treat functions without disturbing designer and vice versus. This is a good infra structure to carry on a long time and offers best stability. If once the phps can't be loaded, who needs the design in these short times anyway?

Step by step
We've placed the pers.css in the public root directory. Since nobody wants to loose time with copy/paste and change file structure, we use import css with @import rules (details below). This makes all further adaptations easier.

Lets create a folder in the root directory called hd-files. Go to your previous installation, web root directory, mark base.css and the folders 'img' + 'themes' and copy. Paste all in the folder hd-files you've created in your public hosting. You will find that in public hosting no php files can be stored. That is normal and ok, since the public hosting also doesn't offer database. Basically we want the files with sufix css, png and gif for what we're doing here. You have now created the file structure to reference everything with relative paths.

Fill your pers.css with the import rules. Adapt 'hxxx' with your client number and path if you have another file structure then suggested above.
@charset "UTF-8";
@import url("/hosted/hxxx/pub/hd-files/base.css") screen;
@import url("/hosted/hxxx/pub//hd-files/themes/sim/inc/stylesheet.css") screen;
@import url("/hosted/hxxx/pub//hd-files/themes/sim/inc/screen.css") screen;
@import url("/hosted/hxxx/pub//hd-files/themes/sim/inc/paper.css") print;
Open up your HotelDruid start page and check which css files are being loaded into. I suggest using add on web developer in Firefox or Chrome for this.

Once you see the css rules being loded into your HotelDruid start page, You will have to adapt all urls of the files being loaded from each css. Just open up each css with an editor, search for 'url' and you'll find the action points. Luckily it's not hundreds and thousands, just a hand full.

Example: base.css, your own logo, line 44, change to
background: url("/hosted/hxxx/pub/hd-files/img/logo.png")
where hxxx is your client ID

Test, report, correct, retest, report, correct and so on until all fine

Happy HotelDruiding and brgs
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