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problem with tables

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:43 pm
by Raboo
Hi, I'm getting this error when trying to move a reservation to another room..

Code: Select all

Warning: Missing argument 23 for esegui_modifiche_prenotazione(), called in /web/modifica_prenota.php on line 3116 and defined in /web/includes/funzioni_mod_prenota.php on line 480
ERROR IN: lock tables prenota2013 write,costiprenota2013 write,relinventario write,transazioni write,ntariffe2013 read,periodi2013 read,appartamenti read,regole2013 read,personalizza read,utenti read
1146: Table 'dhs103290.prenota2013' doesn't exist

ERROR IN: delete from transazioni where idtransazioni = '20130916233607517591186' and idsessione = '20130916233311201728182'
1146: Table 'dhs103290.transazioni' doesn't exist

ERROR IN: select * from prenota2013 where idprenota = '7' and idclienti != '0'
1146: Table 'dhs103290.prenota2013' doesn't exist
Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /web/includes/funzioni_mysql.php on line 104
ERROR IN: select idappartamenti,maxoccupanti from appartamenti where idappartamenti = ''
1146: Table 'dhs103290.appartamenti' doesn't exist
Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /web/includes/funzioni_mysql.php on line 104 Reservation 7 has not been modified because the reservations table has changed meanwhile.
Is it the DB that is corrupt? A side note is that my firefox crashed during installation, but everything seems to be working fine. Is there a way to fix this without reinstalling HotelDruid from scratch?