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Taking room guests from existing customer list

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:07 pm
by michaels
Thumbs up for php-residence!

Working for an educational place with a large historical student/customer base, I'm in a case where often, additional guests to a reservation are already in the customer base.
php-residence 1.3.1 always create a new customer entry for guests - and for my, case, that makes unwanted doubles in the customer base.

I'd like to ask the possibility to take up an existing customer as an additional guest into a reservation - like the main customer.
Looking at the php code I see it's not super-easy (which is why I try not to do it myself :) )


Re: Taking room guests from existing customer list

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:36 pm
by marco
I'll add this to the "TODO" list, currently if the 2 guests have already booked together you will be given the option to insert them both in the reservation.
